Despirately her hands grope blindlyWe would kiss, sharing the incestuous delight of my mom's hot cunt."There, there," she cooed.They then started dressing, each putting on a pair of warm pants, a white t-shirt, fleece jackets and thick socks.A sly smile curved the stranger's mouth as Aja looked back up at her, the redheaded woman clearly aware of what was happening.She went back to her room after the shower with the intention of returning to her schoolwork but no sooner then she looked at her books she knew she had no desire to study.She regarded me sadly.You know that I pee from there right?” He responded with “because it didn't look like pee you were rubbing in, it looked and smelt amazing, and I'd love to taste it one day” “I should get some sleep, and so should you bro, lets talk about this tomorrow” He slowly walked out, and closed my door.Then I saw the screen near me split with dual images side by side.Instinct took over and she put the tip of Leah’s tail in her mout