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I want it more.I could barely see the large puddle Lucy had warned me about.I leaned over her, my heart pounding ice through my veins as I peered down at her.This was my way of letting her know that she would only be allowed to cum when I said she could. Normally being the dominant, she found this frustrating. She also found that it made her compliant with my wishes and my direction.Phil’s talking was reduced to a faint murmur through the walls as Megan shut the door behind me. I noticed that she was fiddling with her knit sweater, and after, began to readjust her glasses in a frankly adorable way as she tried to find words.Bernie laughed and said she hoped not.“I mean maybe you’ve memorized where everything goes but your actual speed wouldn’t increase.“Don’t worry, we’ll go easy on you.” Carson assured her.With that Drew was now in the same position Jessica just was, his arms around my legs and his tongue leaned forward lapping up my virgin hole.Under the guise of