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She died on Christmas morning.How much of the fantasy are you hoping for?”When it ended, Laura was still begging for more.Jordan's always joking around."I have to admit, as tired and worn out as I was, I could not remember a time before that that I wanted to cum more than the first time I jerked off into my own mother's mouth.“I brought you one of my favourites from home to get you through the weekend” I reached over the bath and under my towel, I’d used it conceal her present.Sara was hot and she’d not taken time to dry her cum-filled crotch once she noticed the trucker filming her.I pulled the drawer out further and found a legal pad.“Yes I am.”In my mind, I was really enjoying what was going on.She could still feel the flicker of his tongue on her clit.“You know, Sean…I wish we could swim here all year long.“Repeat that.” I turned to the daughter.Annie later informed me that introducing her to Eloise’s pussy and ass was more than adequate reimbursement for th

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