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The same as every other man we have ever met.Aw fuck that was good boy, I said.I also taught the girls how to read.She moans and says some kinky shit.Thankfully there is no permanent damage, just bad swelling.“It looks like she’s not the only one,” she says as she walks up behind me, placing her hands on my shoulders, tenderly messaging them.Her lips nuzzled against the tip of my dick.“And now gentlemen, we shall have a baptism.”“The board of trustees is meeting tonight,” I said.Then I noticed Matthew Tollemache, our college's star quarterback, striding by with a leggy girl in a gingham type dress that left her long, toned legs bare.She was still mouthing ‘no’, silently now."Well?"“You made me into a woman.”"Well you do have a point there" a little about myself " I am unmarried and a professional lady not a working girl so you can get that out of your mind..I'm getting concerned that such bottled-up lust will cause adverse consequences to your emotional health.I l