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The Chauffeur (#19) Diane and a BabyI thought to myself, smiling.The barman looked to either side as an indication he was the only one serving, and as if his statement was being called into question, “Look, I should know, pal.Roth blocked a sword heading for Ambrose's neck as he suddenly stopped staring at the door of the building.I slowly lifted the top of her PJ and revealed her smooth, curvy back.The bed was knocking the wall at a speed that sounded fake.And I'll take her from faerie.Let me see your body . . .When I got the money, I was careful not to show how much I got or how much I already had.“I suppose not yet, but past behavior doesn’t always predict future behavior.I tried to say something but it came out as a gurgle as I tried to catch my breath.Yet, one cleaning program after another found no viruses.I would have done anything for you!”“Yeah, that’s right.” she said with a heavy British accent “so a bed in the dorm room was it?”As my readers know, I do thi