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He turned to look back at his friends and then faced her once more and said, “I think I could convince at least one of these to submit to me and come in as my slave.”It was unreal.His cock grew slightly in the mystery mouth that was toying with his thick cock.“Agent Longmire, this is David Greene.Allie gasped, her blue eyes widening.He had a car and they could go cruising, he suggested; but the girls, having just met them, had the good sense of declining.The amount didn’t surprise me. That’s how his father had been.They started by thanking me for all I have done for the school and the band program but then asked me about my contact with Lindsey.Susanna clipped the leash through the ring and pulled the slave towards the door.“This will do just fine,” I told her, “could I get some A1 sauce?”There was a row of ten nozzles and we showered next to each other with only one empty shower space between us.I got the same thing that Deloris and Fernandez got, a ribeye steak with